6 Most Exercises to Lose Weight

The Best Exercises to Lose Weight

People who want to lose weight often turn to exercise. You should aim for at least 300 minutes of moderately intense exercise each week to Lose weight. These are some exercises to help you get started on your journey. Talk to your doctor first about which exercises might work best for you. These are the top weight loss exercises. We have somthing special to loss 12 pounts in 21 days. Contact us

6 Most Exercises to Lose Weight

  • Walking

Walking is a great way to lose weight. You could lose about 150 calories if you added half an hour of brisk running to your daily exercise routine.

Harvard Health estimates that a person weighing 155 lbs (70 kg) burns approximately 167 calories each 30 minutes of walking at a moderate speed of 4 mph. Start by walking for 30 minutes three to four times per week.

  • Cycling

Another great way to lose weight is cycling. It's low-impact and adaptable. Harvard Health estimates that an individual weighing 155 lbs (70 kilos) burns approximately 260 calories per 30-minutes of cycling on a stationary bicycle at a moderate speed, and 298 calories for 30 minutes riding on a bicycle at a moderate speed of 12-13.9 miles per hour.

Studies have shown that those who cycle regularly are more fit, have higher insulin sensitivity and have lower risks of developing heart disease, cancer and death than those who don’t.

  • Running or jogging

Running and jogging are great ways to lose weight. Harvard Health estimates that an individual weighing 155 lbs (70 kilos) burns about 298 calories when he runs at a pace of 5 mph (8 km/h), or 372 calories.

  • Weight training

People who want to lose weight often turn to Weight training. This exercise uses resistance to increase strength and muscle. Try to do strength training at least 3-5 times per week for approximately an hour. 

A second study showed that weight training for 24 weeks led to a 9% rise in men's metabolic rate, which translated into approximately 140 calories more per day. The increase in metabolic rate for women was almost 4% or 50 calories more per day.

  • Swimming

Swimming is a great exercise. Swimming is easy on the joints. You'll use your upper and lower bodies, and you'll also get a great cardio workout. You'll also lower your bad cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

A 12-week study of 24 middle-aged women showed that swimming 60 minutes per week for 60 minutes significantly reduced body fat and improved flexibility. It also reduced the risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood cholesterol and blood triglycerides.

  • Yoga

This practice combines meditation and physical activity. This is a popular way of practicing mindfulness after a long day at the office.

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