How much exercise is necessary for weight loss?

How much exercise is necessary for weight loss

  • Before you start an exercise program

If you plan on doing intense exercise, talk to your doctor first. This is particularly important if you are pregnant or have a medical condition.

  • Heart disease
  • lung disease
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • arthritis

Before starting a new exercise program, people who have been inactive for a while, are overweight or quit smoking need to talk with their doctors.

  • Exercise and Weight Loss: What is Important?

Being overweight can make you feel uncomfortable and can cause health problems. The Centers of Disease Control and PreventionTrusted Source, (CDC) states that obesity rates in the United States have increased in recent years. More than one-third (33%) of American adults are obese as of 2010. The formula for calculating body mass is to divide weight in pounds by height squared and multiply the result by 703 [weight (lb/[height (in]] 2 x 703]. These are the steps to calculate your body mass.

1. Multiply your weight by 703.

2. Find your height in inches.

3. Divide the number from step 1 into the number in step 3.

Obesity can cause serious health problems such as stroke, heart disease, diabetes, stroke and certain types of cancer.

Limiting the amount of calories a person consumes through their diet is one way to lose weight. Another way to Lose weight is to exercise more calories

  • How much exercise is necessary for weight loss?

It is important to exercise at least three days per week, for at least 20 minutes each. If you are looking to lose weight, it is worth exercising for longer than 20 minutes. Even if you do not eat excessive calories, even 15 minutes of moderate exercise, such as walking one-mile each day, can help you burn 100 calories more per day. A week's worth of 700 calories can lead to 10 lbs. Over the course of a calendar year, you can lose weight.

Calculating your target heart rate

You need to do more intense exercises in order to reap the benefits of exercise. You can use your heart rate to gauge how hard you work. Then calculate 60-80% of that number.

Talk to your trainer or healthcare team to determine the best intensity for your workouts. Before beginning any exercise program, anyone with special health issues such as diabetes, an injury, or heart disease should consult a doctor.

  • Exercise has many benefits compared to. Diet

It is more effective to combine exercise and healthy eating habits than calorie restriction. Exercise can lower blood pressure and cholesterol which could help prevent heart attacks.

Exercise can also lower your chances of getting certain types of cancer, such as breast and colon cancer. Exercise can also help lower anxiety and depression rates, as it is known to increase confidence and well-being.

For weight loss and weight maintenance, exercise is a great option. Your metabolism (or the number of calories you burn each day) can be increased by exercising. Exercise can help you increase your metabolism, or how many calories you burn every day.

  • Include Exercise in Your Lifestyle

It matters more how much exercise you do in a given day than whether you do it all in one session. Small changes to your daily routine can make all the difference in your waistline.

Here are some healthy lifestyle choices to consider:

  • Walking or riding your bicycle to work or running errands is a good option.
  • Parking further from your destination and walking the rest of the distance

Activities and the Calories they Burn

An adult male needs approximately 2,200 calories per day to maintain his average weight. To maintain her weight, a female needs approximately 1,800 calories.

Below is a list of common activities, along with the estimated calories burned per hour.


Calories Burned

Playing baseball, golf, and cleaning the house


Walking, cycling, dancing or gardening at a pace that is brisk

370 to 465

Playing football, jogging (at nine-minute-mile pace) or swimming

580 to 730

Skiing, racquetball or running (at a pace of seven minutes per mile)

740 to 920

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